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Chipita supports APOSTOLI

Chipita supports the humanitarian work by Holy Archdiocese of Athens and APOSTOLI through a pact signed today at the Holy Archdiocese of Athens by His Beatitude Archbishop of Athens and All Greece, Mr. Ieronymos, and the Managing Director of Chipita Mr. Spyros Theodoropoulos, to strengthen the efforts to improve the life of vulnerable social groups. […]


Cultural activities for ESTIA unaccompanied minor refugees

On April 11 minor refugees from ESTIA Guest House, run by APOSTOLI, visited the recently renovated Agia Filothei of Athens (Benizelos-Palaiologon residence) at ​​Plaka, operated by APOSTOLI of the Holy Archdiocese of Athens. The children were impressed when guided around and learned of the house’s history; then they participated in an interactive game under specialized […]


Easter meal for 10,250 families

145 tons of foods were offered in love parcels throughout Greece   An Easter meal was offered to 10,250 families, all over Greece, by youth of APOSTOLI, led by General Manager Konstantinos Dimtsas and in collaboration with Metropolises, Parishes, Municipalities, Schools, Associations and Institutions; in specific, the organization distributed more than 145 tons of food […]


A custom of Holy Thursday at Karelleio

On April 13 the residents of “Karellios-Alzheimer’s Unit” had the opportunity to observe a beautiful custom, the painting of Easter eggs. A warm atmosphere full of memories was created for both tenants and assisting staff, who painted, polished and decorated the eggs at the Dining Room, while listening to ecclesiastical chants of Holy Thursday on […]


Remember who helped you! The new viral ad

Have you ever thought about what happens when you offer help to a fellow man? This special moment of unselfish offering is highlighted in the new APOSTOLI advertising campaign. Five main characters, an elderly woman with Alzheimer’s, a man with health problems, a homeless and unemployed man and a worker with his child, in a […]


“Together, where needed” at Ioannina and Chalkida

Support to 570 vulnerable families  “TOGETHER, where necessary” program concluded its first dispatch of love parcels to 570 vulnerable families at Ioannina and Chalkida through local Holy Metropolises. APOSTOLI General Director Mr Constantine Dimtsas said that the Church’s effort to support people in need, with respect, love and dignity, is supported by the “spark of […]


APOSTOLI, “Masoutis” and Metropolises support vulnerable families at Thrace

6 tons of foods were delivered to Alexandroupolis, Didimoticho and Orestiada    Before Easter APOSTOLI along with “Masoutis” Company delivered parcels to 409 vulnerable families in Alexandroupolis, Didymoticho and Orestiada, offered by the Metropolitans of Didymotiho, Orestiada and Soufli, Mr. Damaskinos, and Alexandroupolis, Mr. Anthimos, together with the General Manager of APOSTOLI, Mr. Constantinos Dimtsas. […]


Information campaign on dementia at Karystos from Karelleio

Nationwide Korelleio’s dementia campaign stopped at Karystos on April 1 and 2 supported by the 100% Greek company MEGA and Sani Sensitive and the Holy Metropolis of Karystos and Skyros. Alzheimer’s and other dementia patients in Greece are estimated at around 200,000; according to recent research data, we have a new dementia case every 4 […]


APOSTOLI, the Municipality and Holy Metropolis support families at Lagadas

Support to 500 economically vulnerable families of the Municipality of Lagadas was provided by APOSTOLI. In collaboration with the Metropolitan of Lagadas, Liti and Redini, Mr. Ioannis, and the Mayor of Lagadas, Mr. Yannis Karagiannis, a delegation of APOSTOLI, headed by the General Manager, Mr. Constantinos Dimtsas, delivered food parcels to 200 families and 300 […]