Social Market of Moschato – Tavros

The Social Market of “Apostoli”, the Philanthropic Organisation of the Holy Archbisphopric of Athens, in the Municipality of Moschato – Tavros was inaugurated in December 2011. It is open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. providing food, clothes, shoes and home equipment to 200 socially vulnerable families threatened by poverty.
The Social Market is housed at 1, Athanasiou Diakou Street, Attaleia Square, Tavros, in a building belonging to the Municipality.
Nowadays that poverty is the scourge of the society, the income of the people is getting smaller and the social exclusion is obvious, the presence of the state standing by people in need is necessary. The church helps in this direction in many diverse ways.
In the context of this effort to combat poverty and social exclusion, the Municipality of Moschato – Tavros and “Apostoli”, the Philanthropic Organisation of the Holy Archbisphopric of Athens, jointly decided to establish the Social Market “Mission of Love, Social Market of the Archbisphopric of Athens & the Municipality of Moschato – Tavros”.
The Social Market was inaugurated in December 2011. It operates twice per week, every Tuesday and Thursday, on an eight-hour basis, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., to meet the basic living needs of 200 families (destitute people, big families, single-parent families with minor children, solitary people etc).
It is housed on 1, Athanasiou Diakou Street, Attaleia Square, in a building belonging to the Municipality.
The Social Market provide packaged commodities, such as oil, milk, pasta, legumes, cans, flour and personal hygiene items, to two hundred families of the Municipality of Moschato-Tavros.
The beneficiaries are citizens-residents of the Municipality of Moschato-Tavros and are selected based on specific criteria: locality, family status, professional and financial situation, by submitting specific supporting documents to the Social Service of the Municipality.