Social Market of Daphni – Hymettos

The Social Market of “Apostoli”, the Philanthropic Organisation of the Holy Archbisphopric of Athens, in the Municipality of Daphni-Hymettos was inaugurated in July 2012, and operates twice per week, every Monday and Thursday, on an eight-hour basis, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The Social Market covers basic survival needs of 100 families (destitute people, big families, single-parent families with minors, solitary people etc) and has been operating with the support of the Holy Archbisphopric of Cyprus.
The Social Market is housed in a building on Iroon square in Daphni, given by the Municipality to “Apostoli” for this purpose.
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“Apostoli”, the Philanthropic Organisation of the Holy Archbisphopric of Athens, and the Municipality of Daphni – Hymmetos, try in a joint effort to cover the primary survival needs of the citizens – residents of the Municipality who cannot afford to purchase basic commodities. Thus, they established the Social Market “Mission of Love, Social Market of the Holy Archbisphopric of Athens & the Municipality of Daphni – Hymettos”.
The Social Market of “Apostoli” in the Municipality of Daphni – Hymettos was inaugurated in July 2012 and has been operating with the support of the Holy Archbisphopric of Cyprus from Monday to Thursday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
It is housed in a building on Iroon Square given by the Municipality to “Apostoli” to meet the needs of the basic survival needs of 100 families (destitute people, big families, single-parent families with minors, solitary people etc).
The Social Market provides packaged commodities free, such as oil, milk, pasta, legumes, cans, flour and other personal hygiene items for up to 300 beneficiaries.
The beneficiaries are citizens-residents of the Municipality of Daphni – Hymettos and are selected based on specific criteria: locality, family status, professional and financial situation, by submitting specific supporting documents to the Municipality.