Apostoli to Prisoners

“Apostoli”, the philanthropic organisation of the Holy Archbisphopric of Athens, covers the needs of prisoners in detention facilities in Athens or elsewhere.
Responding to the requests of the Divisions and Social Services of the detention facilities underlying the deficits, “Apostolli” tries to cover the fundamental daily needs of the prisoners offering thousands of personal hygiene and care items in every visit.
Furthermore, it has offered big quantities of clothes, thousands of food rations, and computers in an attempt to encourage the prisoners to actively participate in the educational/training procedures.
With consistency, duration and high feeling of responsibility, a team of “Apostoli” visits the detention facilities, gets informed about the needs, the problems and the shortages of the facilities contributing thus to the prisoners’ relief.
“Apostoli” has visited the detention facilities of Korydallos, Facility of Minors in Avlona, Elaionas in Thives, Patras etc and has offered every possible help to cover the arising needs.