Dear friends,
The Holy Archdiocese of Athens, listening to the increased needs for humanitarian intervention under conditions of an increasingly difficult economic and social reality, created the NGO “Apostoli”. Being aware of the historical importance of the work assumed, and with a view to the relief of our weakest fellow human beings, we aspire to contribute practically and in any way to address any existing and new social problems, such as those currently experienced by the poor, the unemployed, the mentally ill, the refugees and the victims of trafficking, the immigrants, as well as threatened common goods such as the environment and cultural heritage.
With the blessing of the Church of Greece, the cooperation of all social actors and active citizens, we try every day to cope with the harsh demands of trying to improve the everyday life of all vulnerable social groups.
Incorporating activities with a social, environmental and cultural dimension is not meant as a simplistic expression of charity, nor as a pretext for public relations. But as a conscious choice of active participation in the collective effort for social cohesion, prosperity and progress.
Ten thousand “love meals” are distributed daily to 75 locations in our city and we know there is need for more.
However, these meals are not the only way to deal with a constantly growing need of our fellow citizens regardless of religion, race or ethnicity.
It is necessary to engage the services of the Archdiocese, so that together, “Apostoli”, Geniko Filoptocho, Neotita, the institutions take coordinated action in order to achieve the best possible result in the struggle to improve the everyday life of all these people suffering and being at risk. In this struggle, we are not alone; we enjoy full cooperation of the state and the citizens.
In this rapidly changing world we live in, technology and digital communication dominate. No one can ignore the dynamics of this new reality. That’s why we created the open forum: a new, direct, alternative communication environment. A modern place of information and discussion. This website is open to all of you and will host your views, opinions, and announcements.
We believe that this portal, created by Apostoli NGO, will contribute to enriching the dialogue on social work issues and will make the much-needed humanitarian action even more effective.
Kostis Dimtsas
General Manager
Your help is valuable!
Who we are
Contact Us
Apostoli NGO
Heras 8 & Despos Sechou,
Zip 117 43, Neos Kosmos, Attica
Tel.: +30 213 0184400-99
Fax: +30 210 9246740
Email: info@mkoapostoli.gr