NN and Piraeus Program Child & Future

NN and Piraeus Bank plan and offer products and services responding to the current needs of the Greek society.
However, as they are two big companies, fully aware of their responsibility towards the society, they undertake significant corporate responsibility initiatives. The aim is to offer the society by helping people in real need. In this context and in cooperation with “Apostoli” of the Holy Archbisphopric of Athens, they support its charity work for children. With every new savings program, NN and Piraeus Bank offer €5 to the first Child Care Center in Moschato.
With this program, the parents care for the future of their child providing it with everything required for a dynamic start and at the same time help is provided for children in need by giving them the care and warmth they are deprived of.
The program ensures, through a series of savings, a significant capital that the child shall receive as monthly installments or as a lump sum to be used for:
- studies in Greece or abroad
- starting a career
- starting a family.
The program is for customers of the Piraeus Bank Group wishing to secure a safe future for their child.
NOTE: As of 1.4.2015, ING is renamed as NN and the program: ING and PIRAEUS CHILD & FUTURE is renamed as NN and PIRAUES CHILD & FUTURE