Second Homeland
The integration of immigrants into the Greek society is a goal of “APOSTOLI” that we approach with care and love.
The program “Getting Acquainted with Greek Language and Culture” is a key lever in this effort.
The “Second Homeland” initiative (from home country to host country – “WELCOME!”), involving Greek volunteers and foreigners who follow the program, takes us one step further.
We all hope that Second Homeland will help us become even more effective in our efforts.
The Program Coordinator
I. G. Kotsanas
From home country to host country – “WELCOME”!
Today in Greece, immigration is a serious issue. “Apostoli” has a program that facilitates social inclusion of the people who have chosen our country as their host country.
“Apostoli” organizes seminars and offers to immigrants living in Athens the opportunity to come into direct contact with Greek culture and language, two important channels to join Modern Greek society.
Teachers in the “Greek as second language” seminars are seconded from the Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs. They organize beginners and advanced classes, and offer access to state exams for a certificate of the Greek language.
This way “Apostoli” contributes to a healthy multicultural society.
Through my voluntary engagement in “Apostoli”, and in particular in the Greek language and culture seminars, I was helped to realize that we have created a blurry picture of immigrants.
In my first participation as a volunteer, I was very surprised to learn a different ‘lesson’: a big group of people working in a friendly, family, collaborative environment. There is a climate of respect and mutual understanding among all and a fair relationship between teacher and students.
I feel the desire to offer under the supervision and guidance of Program Coordinator Mr. I. Kotsanas. I hope “Second Homeland” becomes a bridge linking the country of origin of each person here with the host country, my homeland, Greece.
“Second Homeland’s” micro-site will soon be hosted on the NGO’s website, with pictures, videos and comments of the program participants.
The program raises money to improve the services provided in terms of equipment, tools, etc. Contributions are welcome in the special bank account:
Account no: 101002002274452
ΙΒΑΝ: GR 6801401010101002002274452
All contributions are valuable!
Konstantinos Samaras