APOSTOLI, “Masoutis” and Metropolises support vulnerable families at Thrace
6 tons of foods were delivered to Alexandroupolis, Didimoticho and Orestiada
Before Easter APOSTOLI along with “Masoutis” Company delivered parcels to 409 vulnerable families in Alexandroupolis, Didymoticho and Orestiada, offered by the Metropolitans of Didymotiho, Orestiada and Soufli, Mr. Damaskinos, and Alexandroupolis, Mr. Anthimos, together with the General Manager of APOSTOLI, Mr. Constantinos Dimtsas.
Metropolitan of Didymotiho, Orestiada and Soufli, Mr.Damaskinos, thanked the Archbishop of Athens and all Greece, Mr. Ieronymos, for the interest he has always shown for the remote areas of Evros and Thrace, at this crossroads of cultures and religions, where the love of Christ becomes a peace compass for East and West. Metropolitan of Alexandroupolis, Archbishop Anthimos, expressed his absolute satisfaction and gratitude to His Beatitude Archbishop of Athens and all Greece, Mr. Ieronymos, to APOSTOLI and “Masoutis”.
Also jackets and stationery were offered to pupils of five elementary schools and kindergartens and Metropolitan Archbishop Anthimos praised the work of APOSTOLI and its Director General to help people in real need.
Mr. Dimtsas said that supported by Masoutis company APOSTOLI before Easter started efforts to meet the ever-increasing needs of hundreds of Greek households. Along with food APOSTOLI offered 1,137 jackets through Marianna Vardinoyannis Foundation’s “WE CARE” to pupils at remote elementary schools. The program will be extended to more areas of Greece.