Mental Health Mobile Unit, Karditsa
The Mental Health Mobile Unit offers prevention, diagnostic evaluation and treatment services, nursing care, home care services, psychosocial rehabilitation and reintegration services and also implements community education programs.
The region in which the Mobile Unit is activated concerns the Prefecture of Karditsa, including Palama, Sofades and Mouzaki Health Centers, but also all regional and rural clinics belonging to Karditsa General Hospital and the abovementioned Health Centers.
The Unit is also responsible for the follow-up of cases that were hospitalized at the Hospital of Petra, Olympos. The regular agenda of the Unit includes two scheduled visits per month to the abovementioned three Centers and home visits for cases that cannot move.
Finally, it offers its services to the Roma camp in Sofades.
Help Line for Psychological Support and Intervention in the Crisis
800 113 7777
Karditsa Mobile Unit offers diverse services for people with mental conditions, and at the same time is a meeting, creation and communication place for all in need of support and help. The beneficiaries and their families in cooperation with the inter-disciplinary therapeutic group can share their experiences and concerns to learn to deal with their daily difficulties.
Furthermore, the MobileUnit, provides advice for people of vulnerable social groups, people with financial, social, business or personal problems, as well as children, parents and adolescents.
Our targets…
- Dealing with mental health problems at the level of primary care
- Increase of the treatment effectiveness and preventing relapses
- Improving the social capabilities of people with mental difficulties by increasing their social skills and engagement
- Care and psychosocial rehabilitation of people with severe mental disorders and concomitant psychosocial problems
- Providing information and awareness for the community on mental health issues to decrease stigma and discriminations
- Prevention of mental health issues via school programs, programs at work and neighborhoods
- Support of vulnerable social groups
Provided services…
- Psychological support (information, personal, group or family psychotherapy)
- Psychiatric (psychotherapy, medical treatment)
- Social (welfare issues, professional mobilization and rehabilitation)
- Nursing (care, functionality restoration, health education, diet education)
- Occupational therapy (art therapy, constructions, socialization skills)
- Consultancy (personal or group)
Our actions…
- Therapeutic Intervention
- Timely evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders
- Systematic treatment and follow-up
- Psychological support on a personal and family level
- Psychosocial rehabilitation
- Post-hospitalization follow-up of people with mental disorders
- Social and work mobilization and rehabilitation
- Empowerment of families with affected members
- Facilitation in using health and welfare services
- Occupational therapy
- Art therapy & constructions
- Music, painting, photograph, library, newspaper, physical exercise groups
- Socialization via recreational, film and theater activities. Trips, social events.
- Society Awareness
- Information provided for the society on mental health issues
- Dealing with the social stigma
- Protection of patients’ rights
Development of Co-operations
In the framework of community approach in mental health issues, Karditsa Mobile Unit cooperates with Psychiatric Hospitals, Psychiatric Clinics of General Hospitals, Mental Health Centers, intermediate rehabilitation facilities, such as Pensions and Boarding Houses, other Day Centers, Special Social Reintegration Centers, Local Authorities, Local Police Stations, Parents’ Associations, Volunteers’ Networks, Universities and Mass Media.