Assistance to fellow humans in need is the primary duty of every Christian. The duty of anyone who is not left indifferent by the tragic images surrounding us every day.
Of anyone who always reacts to the cry of a hungry child, to the mourn of the rootless, to the despair of the poor. The duty of everyone who wishes to give generously hope for a better world.
Love and solidarity to the fellow humans does not seem to be just an obligation. This need led to the creation of “Apostoli” by the Holy Archdiocese of Athens.
Apostoli was founded in 2010 by the Holy Archdiocese of Athens in the form of a non-profit civil organisation with humanitarian, developmental and educational activities with both nationally and internationally.
The objective and continuous attempt is for APOSTOLI to henceforth become the instrument, the tool, the humble factor of relief for people.
This decision is not only the expression of the Church’s concerns on what has been happening and unfolding lately in our country, but also its contribution, to the extent possible, to the collective effort made on many fronts to break the impact of this flood. This shall be made without panic, for the experience has proven that this country overcame many similar difficulties in the past.
Recognising our mistakes, overcoming our personal will, real transparency, pursuing unity and harmony are some of the antibodies that we will need to deal with a disease that nourishes almost all of our institutional structures.
The destination of our Church and its eternal destination is: “to be a source of high spiritual life, freedom and universal love, a source of fellowship and peace in the world, to represent the denial of hatred, evil and injustice, and be supportive of the afflicted humanity in its tortured course”.
The complex comprising “Apostoli” projects includes:
- Standard Environmental Centre in Parnitha
- Independent Addict Reintegration Unit
- Education and Care Unit for Autistic Children
- Bedridden Care Unit
- Nursing Home
- Doubling of food portions (now more than 10,000 a day)
Activities such as:
- cultural heritage
- environmental protection
- cooperation with foreign bodies
- empowerment of the Christian mission
are included in the priorities of APOSTOLI
The cooperation of all of us must be the quintessence and the message of APOSTOLI.
The objective of “Apostoli” NGO extends beyond the dynamic activity in the field of social care, health, and culture, to activities in the fields of environment and new technologies, both in Greece and abroad.
Its international actions and projects are developed in consultation with local Orthodox Church Metropolises in developing countries mainly on Africa, South-east Asia, the Western Balkans and the Middle East, and is now being prepared to promote similar initiatives in Latin America.
For the implementation of these projects, it has launched collaborations with European and national bodies, such as the Ministry of Employment, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Health, the Information Society, the European Commission and the United Nations.
“Apostoli” has acquired the managerial competence required for the implementation of technical projects and service provision (type A and B), which, under the applicable legislation, is a prerequisite for claiming financial resources from the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF 2007-2013).
Apostoli has applied for membership in the Network of Non-Governmental Organizations in consultative status (ECOSOC) of the United Nations, is a member of the EuropeAid NGO Database of the European Commission, and a member of other national and European networks.
Aiming to support socially vulnerable groups from the perspective of sustainable development, Apostoli also collaborates with the Greek Local Government, research institutes, companies and other civil society organizations.
As part of its activity in the areas of social cohesion, health and care, culture, the environment and new technologies through a wide range of humanitarian and developmental initiatives, Apostoli NGO:
- Records and provides reliable and constantly updated information on the needs of Holy Metropolises in Greece and in developing countries
- Presents projects and proposals to national, European and international organizations on behalf of the Greek Church
- Coordinates, manages and implements approved actions and projects
- Offers emergency or non-emergency humanitarian assistance in Greece and abroad
- Implements development initiatives and projects in Greece and the developing countries
- Designs, manages and implements educational projects for vulnerable social groups, immigrants and workers
- Collaborates with national and international organizations
Your help is valuable!
Who we are
Contact Us
Apostoli NGO
Heras 8 & Despos Sechou,
Zip 117 43, Neos Kosmos, Attica
Tel.: +30 213 0184400-99
Fax: +30 210 9246740
Email: info@mkoapostoli.gr